EMAS-Award of the Federal Ministry of Environment 2016

Vienna Environmental
Award 2018

EMAS-Award of the the European Commission

Staff-training, energy consumption, waste management, transport logistics or purchases: We are committed to an ambitious and sustainable program to reduce our environmental footprint and protect our climate and environment.

This pioneering work has been acknowledged with several awards.

This is how we achieve Scope 1 and 2 CO2-Neutralität

  • Since 2016 we obtain 100% renewable energy from a certified supplier, that means we use electricity that is completely CO2-neural.
  • We are gradually switching our fleet of utility vehicles to eco-friendly alternatives, such as electric vehicles.
  • We compensate for the remaining CO2 emissions (heating system and conventional utility transportation) with “humus-certificates”, i.e. certificates for a humus formation project in the Eco-Region Kaindorf, in Lower Austria.

Efficient logistics

We are proud of our efficient transport logistics that avoids empty runs. Our central location not only provides maximum flexibility for our customers but also ensures short transport distances, thereby avoiding unnecessary CO2 emissions.

Using resources mindfully

Through improving our internal operations, we use resources more efficiently. When making purchases, we are mindful to use ecologically or Fair-trade certified products, and generally make purchase decisions based on ecological criteria. Over the last years we cut our waste in half and nearly doubled our recycling rate.